Saint John Eudes
(1601-1680) Missionary
St John Eudes

Founder of the Sisters of Our Lady of Charity who worked for the welfare of penitent women

Patron of Devotion to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary & Holy Trinity
We pray for guidance to Saint John Eudes, founder of the Sisters of Our Lady of Charity who worked for the welfare of penitent women.

While the Culture of Death promotes abortion for the poor and lowly, Saint John Eudes stands out as a great example of how social background does not inhibit one from doing great things - for John was but a farmer's son. Yet, he attended the Jesuit college at Caen at age 14, joined the Congregation of the Oratory of France, and studied at Paris and Aubervilliers in preparation for becoming a Priest. As a missionary and preacher, he worked in well over 100 missions, ministered to plague victims, established seminaries, and is best known for his liturgical devotion of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary - Devotion to the Adorable Heart of Jesus and Admirable Heart of the Most Holy Mother of God.

We ask Saint John Eudes to pray for us and to watch over our efforts as we pray a prayer Saint John Eudes wrote in 1668 for a special Mass, Gaudeamus, translated 'Let us rejoice!'

Father of mercies and God of all consolation, You gave us the loving Heart of your own beloved Son, because of the boundless love by which You have loved us, which no tongue can describe. May we render You a love that is perfect with hearts made one with His. Grant, we pray, that our hearts may be brought to perfect unity: each heart with the other and all hearts with the Heart of Jesus ... and may the rightful yearnings of our hearts find fulfillment through Him: Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.