
 Pro-Life Scripture Passages

 Novenas (9 Days of Prayer)

 How to Pray the Rosary

 Daily Prayers

  O my Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer up to You this day all of my prayers, my works, my joys, and my sufferings in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass said throughout the world, in reparation of my sins and the sins of all my loved ones. Our Father, ...

Click on www.ewtn.com/adoration for live Adoration.

Click on www.ewtn.com/daily-readings for today's Mass and the readings and homilies of previous days.

Click on www.ewtn.com/ for an enormous number of devotions, teachings, news and past programs on EWTN.

Click here for a list of inspirational talks by Father Cedric.

Everything that is underlined on this website
is a link to whatever is underlined.

So click below to read of the apparitions requesting the
First Friday's & First Saturday's Devotions
Please post the above flyer in your church.

Holy Mary, I praise you above all the angels and saints for you were ...

Divine Mercy Novena
Go to https://www.thedivinemercy.org/message/devotions/novena
to find the daily intentions Jesus dictated to Saint Faustina.
Chaplet of Divine Mercy

9 Month Novena to Our Lady Of Guadalupe March 12 - December 12

9 Month Novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe for phone

Pentecost Novena

Nine month Annunciation novena
begins on March 25th and ends on Christmas Eve
Click here to print the Nine Month Annunciation Novena.

Pray the Rosary for Life
How to Pray the Rosary




Praying with beads has been a part of human history from the earliest times. No, it is not "vain repetition" when you pray with your heart and meditate on the mysteries of the lives of Jesus and his mother Mary.

The crucifix and the medal are not idols. They are reminders of Our Lord's great love for us.

The prayers of the rosary are Biblical prayers and throughout time, praying the rosary has proven to be a powerful prayer not only in obtaining special requests but in obtaining special graces that bring one closer to the hearts of Jesus and his mother Mary.

As you pray the rosary you will be lifted up from your trials. Oh, your trials will not always disappear but you will be lifted up above them so that you will be better able to deal with them instead of your trials dealing with you!

The rosary is a gift given to everyone. You deserve - you need - 20 minutes of quiet meditation everyday. Click here to learn how to pray the rosary.

Keep a rosary visible in your home and at work - on your Bible, bedside table, desk, or favorite table - so that you may encourage others to pray the rosary.

Pray the rosary with your heart. Carry your rosary in your pocket so that it will always be handy when you need it. Keep an 11 bead rosary handy on your turning signal to pray while traveling. Wear a rosary ring so that you can pray whenever life gives you a pause like while you wait in line. A rosary ring or 11 bead rosary is great to use when taking a walk! No rosary handy? Pray the rosary on your 10 fingers.

The rosary is not a charm.
The power is in the prayer.

40 Days for Life.com

Nine Day (Novena) Election Prayer

Please join in a 9-day prayer to end government funding of abortion and to guide our nation in the upcoming elections:

Come Holy Spirit. Enlighten all voters that they will know that abortion, euthanasia, and embryonic stem cell research are intrinsic evils that cannot be put on the same level as social or economic policies, which can be debated and approached in many ways.

Make all voters realize that voting for a candidate, who supports such intrinsic evils, makes one an accomplice in the killings that result from the candidate's actions if elected.

Help us elect a president and lawmakers who have an awesome respect for the Sanctity of Human Life and are willing to stand up for life and preserve our Religious Liberty as guaranteed in the First Amendment. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
~ ~ ~

First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, godly and respectful in every way. This is good, and it is acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (1 Tim 2:1-4).

Daily Prayers

Voting from the Pro-Life Perspective

If a mother and her child are trapped in a burning house, I'm not going to look at a firefighter and ask his or her position on tuition tax credits, immigration, or trade policies.

I just want to know if the firefighter is going to rescue the woman and her baby from harm. Maria Vitale
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