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 Novenas (9 Days of Prayer)

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Novenas (9 Days of Prayer)

Novenas are a Christian Tradition where a special prayer is prayed for 9 days.

Novena for all Christians to pray for 9 days before and including Election Day:

I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14
Be merciful as your heavenly Father is merciful. Luke 6:36

Heavenly Father, I worship You as the Creator of human life and I thank you for my life. Stay Your hand of justice, which we surely deserve for the destruction of life that is taking place daily as countless embryos will die due to in vitro fertilization and biomedical research, over 3,000 babies will be aborted today, myriad embryos will die prevented from implanting in the womb due to contraceptives, and unknown numbers of people will die of forced dehydration. Help us elect a president and lawmakers who have an awesome respect for the Sanctity of Human Life and who are willing to stand up for life. I pray for the end of government funding of abortion, especially through the HHS Mandate, requiring all employers to include abortion in their health coverage.

Dear Jesus, I pray for all those who have promoted, assisted in, or had an abortion: that they will come to a realization of what they have done, that they will repent, and will be healed through Your mercy. Have mercy on our nation, which allows the destruction of Your creation. Help us elect a president and lawmakers who have an awesome respect for the sanctity of human life and are willing to stand up for life.

Come Holy Spirit. Enlighten all voters that they will know that abortion, euthanasia, and embryonic stem cell research are intrinsic evils that cannot be put on the same level as social or economic policies, which can be debated and approached in many ways. Make all voters realize that voting for a candidate, who supports such intrinsic evils, makes one an accomplice in the killings that result from the candidate's actions if elected. Help us elect a president and lawmakers who have an awesome respect for the Sanctity of Human Life and are willing to stand up for life and preserve our Religious Liberty as guaranteed in the First Amendment. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Some Novenas to choose from:
Novena for Our Nation

Voting from the Pro-Life Perspective

If a mother and her child are trapped in a burning house, I'm not going to look at a firefighter and ask his or her position on tuition tax credits, immigration, or trade policies.

I just want to know if the firefighter is going to rescue the woman and her baby from harm. Maria Vitale
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