
 Pregnancy Help Centers in Westmoreland County

 Legislative Action Center

 Pro-Life Testimonies

 Teen Contests:
Essay, Oratory & Video
State & National



 Contact Us


Each of us must do what we can. Working together we can make a real difference.

Donating your time and talents to preserving life from the moment of conception to natural death will be a most rewarding experience for you.

Please contact us and let us know how you can help keep the residents of Westmoreland County informed on the important life issues surrounding abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, and stem cell research. We could use your help with our literature table, fund raisers, annual dinners, mailings, ...

We depend totally on your donations for financial support while pro-choice entities receive millions just from our tax dollars. Please consider donating $10, $20, or $100 - whatever amount - to help our chapter promote a culture of life. Thank you in advance for your generosity!

To Donate To Westmoreland County
Right to Life

1. Make your check out to: Westmoreland County RTL

And mail your donation to:
Westmoreland County RTL
440 Hillcrest Drive
Latrobe, PA 15650


2. You can support the cause of life while purchasing flowers from Faith & Flowers. Simply scroll down the left hand side bar and click the Faith & Flowers link.

After shopping for your flowers, proceed to check out. Next, after entering your billing address, please choose 'Westmoreland County Right to Life' in the drop down box titled 'Choose Your Charity'. It's that simple!

After Mother's Day the Faith & Flowers site will be switching e-commerce platforms, and it may actually be more automatic.


Thank you so much for your donation. Your donations enable us to carry out the important work that we need to do. May you be blessed a hundredfold.

The Right To Life

The right to life is the fundamental right of every human being upon which all other rights are contingent.

A system of relative values for human life poses a grave public threat as has been shown by the history of mankind.
This site maintained by
Creighton Web Services

Website Setup for
Pro-Life Groups

Call Jan
(814) 623-1314

Copyright 2003