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Right to Life of Southeast Pennsylvania is a non-profit, non-partisan, non-denominational organization that does all things as may be lawful for a corporation to do in support of the protection of human life at all stages of biological development, including, but not limited to, public information and education.


Because Right to Life of Southeast Pennsylvania is involved politically by distributing voter guides and encouraging citizens to contact their representatives when important life issues are being legislated,your donations to our organization are not tax-deductible.

When donating, please make checks payable to:

'Right to Life of Southeast Pennsylvania, Inc.'
P.O. Box 73038
Schwenksville, PA 19473-0038

Being an affiliate of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation, we join the state organization in their support of a fantastic website for teens, www.teenbreaks.com, supported by the Rosetta Foundation. They have reached nearly 1.5 million visits and have another 40,000 visits from other websites!

The Rosetta Foundation spends $400 a day making sure they come up first in Google searches for: 'abortion,' 'teen abortion,' or 'teen pregnancy.' They run out of money around 1 o'clock each day. At that point, state contributions to the Rosetta Foundation can keep teenbreaks.com #1 in their state through a special Google state setup. Read some of the comments by teens whose visit to teenbreaks.com changed their mind about abortion and you will see why we as a chapter ask for donations to support this website.

We sponsor an essay contest and an oratory contest each year where the student writes or speaks on abortion, euthanasia, infanticide, or embryonic stem cell research from a pro-life perspective. We belive that we have a huge opportunity to affect high school student's lives through these contests by giving them the opportunity to learn the facts about life issues before they are confronted with making a decision about a real life situation so that they can make an educated decision.

Mailings are very expensive but are necessary to keep our pro-life advocates informed as to what is going on. The laws are simply not in place to protect human beings from fertilization to natural death. We need to elect lawmakers who will sponsor pro-life bills and vote pro-life. We need you to let you know when our representatives support our cause and when they don't so that you can call them and thank them or call them to task. Every week there are advances in adult stem cell research that does not require the destruction of a human being. We believe it is important for you to know about the issues of stem cell research so that you can talk about it intelligently when the subject comes up. There is just so much that we could send you in a newsletter.

Mailings, contests, and teenbreaks.com are just a few of the examples of where your monetary donation goes. There are so many other things that we could do to educate the average citizen of the South East PA Region. We are limited only by the costs and the volunteers to carry them out. Please help us through your prayers, time, and financial donations to fight the Culture of Death that is so prevalent in our region!

The Right To Life

The right to life is the fundamental right of every human being upon which all other rights are contingent.

A system of relative values for human life poses a grave public threat as has been shown by the history of mankind.
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Website Setup for
Pro-Life Groups

Call Jan
(814) 623-1314

Copyright 2003