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Abortion Statistics

Greene County (2008)

-59 abortions were performed on women & girls from Greene County in 2008.
-59% of those abortions were performed on women & girls from 24 to under 15 years of age.
-413 people lost their lives, lost a child, or lost a grandchild to abortion in Greene County in 2008.
- 5 more babies were aborted in Greene County in 2008 than in 2007.

Pennsylvania (2008)

- 38,807 abortions were performed in PA in 2008.
- 271,649 people lost their lives, lost a child, or lost a grandchild to abortion in Pennsylvania in 2008.
- Over 41% of abortions in PA were performed on black women & girls, who make up only 12% of PA's female population.
- 46% of abortions in PA were performed on college-age women (18-24).
- Over 45% of women & girls who had an abortion in PA in 2008 already had AT LEAST one prior abortion.
- 2,144 more babies were aborted in PA in 2008, than in 2007.

* Statistics provided by the PA Department of Health

Abraham Lincoln

"I'm a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, the people can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts."
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